By MusicLover18 - 03/09/2014 23:35 - Canada - Leduc

Today, I caught my little sister taking a selfie in the mirror with a fake nose piercing, peace sign, and a duck face. She's 12. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 596
You deserved it 4 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have thrown breadcrumbs at her, she was pretending to be duck

I think it's time for a very long conversation with your sister... Good luck OP!


Burn it with fire, it's not your sister anymore, it's poison.

I'm 11 That's normal what's wrong with that my brother is twelve he even has a girlfriend.

It has nothing to do with age or girlfriends. It is the stupidity on top of stupidity. Wrong-Selfie, Wrong- Duck face-Wrong-Thinking that selfies and duck faces are ok.

Its causing kids to grow up too fast. Now they all care about how many likes a selfie gets. When younger kids should be enjoying their childhood.

Put it through her thick, narcissistic head that neither duckfaces nor piercings are sexy in any way

She's just young and wanting to be more mature. She also probably wants you to think she's cool. When I was a kid I did and said all sorts of stupid things that I didn't really feel like doing to impress my much older sisters because it seemed like the "cool" thing at the time and I thought they'd be like whoa look at how awesome holly is for a 12 year old. They always shot me down like you did and it really would hurt. Next time I'd try to talk to her or do anything other than talk about her on the Internet basically.

Who cares? Nowhere near a big deal get over it

That's normal. middle school is a time where girls really try to fit in by emulating what they see. no need to worry yet

With the new generation I think we all should learn mandarin

im 15 and I think I would have slapped the piercing out of her nose. photo bombed her photo and told our mother. or black mail her.

Not all twelve year olds girls are that stupid. Whenever I see a girl at school making a duck face while taking a selfie I quack at them.