By MusicLover18 - 03/09/2014 23:35 - Canada - Leduc

Today, I caught my little sister taking a selfie in the mirror with a fake nose piercing, peace sign, and a duck face. She's 12. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 589
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have thrown breadcrumbs at her, she was pretending to be duck

I think it's time for a very long conversation with your sister... Good luck OP!


Haha that's actually the age for that stuff...I went through a 12 year old punk/"emo" phase and took lots of mirror pics, back in like 2005 and myspace days...just part of being silly and growing up.

We all went through that awkward, really terrible phase. Hopefully she grows out of it.

ShadowlessSpear 21
anormalperson 25

Wow, i'm not trying to be rude but I don't understand why girls think that boys like this. Just a simple smile would be ten times better than a duckface.

wow not trying to be rude but why do boys think everything girls do is for them?

anormalperson 25

I didn't say that, I just said that it isnt attractive.

So? Why should a 12 year old girl care about being attractive?

anormalperson 25

Well, its funny really because that is what most 12 year old girls care about most in ny school......

Wow...certainly wasn't like that seven years ago when I was man...

well he's talking about twelve year Olds now

Sisonduty 8

When I was twelve.. I was emotionless, never took selfies up until I turned thirteen after a study tour. Hahahaha good times/bad times.. *cringe*