By MusicLover18 - 03/09/2014 23:35 - Canada - Leduc

Today, I caught my little sister taking a selfie in the mirror with a fake nose piercing, peace sign, and a duck face. She's 12. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 589
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have thrown breadcrumbs at her, she was pretending to be duck

I think it's time for a very long conversation with your sister... Good luck OP!


Personally, I really want dahlia bits, snake bites, or spider bites, but not until I some how manage to convince my mom to let me and by the time that happens I'll be about 20.

Could be worse. She could be 24. She'll probably grow out of it, OP.

Preteen girls do stupid things in the hope of seeming cool as they find themselves... Seems like something I would have done at that age, yet wouldn't be caught dead doing now! I'm sure she will grow out of it... Give her time.

Maybe she's seen you doing it before and wanted to be just like her big sister.

Well that explains why her selfie face was so 2012.

copydude 7

wow, I can't believe this post is even here.. and people are over analyzing the crap over a girl having fun taking a selfie! As the father of two young adult children. I say there is nothing wrong with this and let her express herself however she desires.. My God you people are making too much of this.. and this whole damned post should be removed. oh and before you rip into me about my kids.. they are perfectly normal kids with no tatoos but my 23 yr old son did get an eye brow piercing.. Oh well