By MusicLover18 - 03/09/2014 23:35 - Canada - Leduc

Today, I caught my little sister taking a selfie in the mirror with a fake nose piercing, peace sign, and a duck face. She's 12. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 589
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have thrown breadcrumbs at her, she was pretending to be duck

I think it's time for a very long conversation with your sister... Good luck OP!


Quick it for her soon to me made Facebook? She'll be buying lattes soon as well...they grow up so fast

HURRY!! She's only 12 It's not too late to save her!

My cousin is the same age. She does basically the same shit as this. She thinks she's 16.

Why would turning 16 make it acceptable to make duck faces and post them facebook?

The thing she did is not an age thing it is more cultural. "My friend goes on trips with his gf at age 20. He thinks he is 25" that makes about as much sense as what you said.

WaxenSecrets 5

#19, The concept is that the girl is trying to act older than she is, and since she thinks older people do this, she does it to "play the part". Therefore the root of this behavior becomes a combination of the classic, twelve-year-old mentality of "gotta be older" and the twelve-year-old's perception of what being older looks like. Then one is only left to assume that the issues draw from that perception since the former is inevitable. It's a pretty clear suggestion for what the source of the problem might be.

She should still be playing with dolls, not fake nose rings.

*shakes head* I feel for our future generation

PoisonOrchid 21

I blame parents who let their kids watch that crap. it's called parental controls for a reason

The Kardashians had nothing to do with this but if you take what they do seriously then it might