By Nick Nameous - 01/01/2009 06:22 - United States

Today, I celebrated the new year. Alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 241
You deserved it 5 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So did I. It was my own, stubborn fault though, so I can't really say 'FML'.

lilsweetbabe818 0

i was alone as well, i was throwing up because of a stomach virus. My boyfriend decided to go out anyway and leave me alone. I dont blame him though.


xXCherrryBombXx 6
deja_vu_again 5

You think they would've moderated the " ! " out, seeing as though it's a grammatical error...

if you don't want to welcome the newyear alone, go get an gf. its not that hard.

Elfkid21 19
TordNorski 30

I played video games and when the clocks hit 12:00, people would write Happy New Year! in the chat. It was very fun.

CoriCat 25

Get in line pal. The guy I was supposed to be spending it with decided to drink underage with his uncle.