By ChangoFett - 26/05/2013 06:46 - United States - Laguna Hills

Today, I changed my teacher's PowerPoint picture to me making a funny face. He saw it and changed it to a picture of him, with a middle finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 160
You deserved it 50 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't expect people to feel sorry for you OP, not for this.

Teachers have seen it all, you'll never win (unless its a new one then you're teaching them)


Now that's a good teacher right der mmmhmmm

It's pretty tough to catch the teacher off guard...but some are better than others...

Awesome teacher is awesome. Grumpy teachers would just call you out or make up some punishment.

How is that bad?... Thatd be awesome!!!

Sorry to be so dense, but what does OP mean by the powerpoint picture? The picture on the powerpoint, or some sort of profile picture or something else?

You had that coming for screwing with his image.