By VAngelique - 10/01/2010 14:48 - United States

Today, I confessed my love to a guy I've been flirting with for months. He then decided to reject me through a poem on Facebook for all of our friends to read. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 591
You deserved it 4 141

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VAngelique 0

Top comments

omnistryder 0

just go through all his pics and tag his crotch with the label "small dick"


AntiChrist7 0

Girls only love assholes. YDI

foxboyz94 0

talk about absoloutly no respect sorry bout that =

It was incredibly unnecessary of him to humiliate you like that, but you confessed your 'love' to him when you'd merely been flirting before? Sorry, but that kind of makes you sound two cups of crazy.

I know how you feel. My (ex) girlfriend straight up ditched me on facebook T.T

HammerBro 5

xD did that to my girlfriend good times

ix3candy 0

I mean I can assume he doesn't like math but what if math is his favorite subject?

Eww he rejected you with a poem? what a dork! You should be glad you don't have to date a loser like that!