By VAngelique - 10/01/2010 14:48 - United States

Today, I confessed my love to a guy I've been flirting with for months. He then decided to reject me through a poem on Facebook for all of our friends to read. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 591
You deserved it 4 141

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VAngelique 0

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omnistryder 0

just go through all his pics and tag his crotch with the label "small dick"


haha love it! I think I'll do that next time I wanna reject someone I know u love me but what u don't see is that ur a douche idk what rhymes with douche so hey let's just go with my answer it's no. u little perrve ok I don't think I can do that...

wow that totally would suck. stay strong

How can u love some one who I've only been flirting with?

tootsie68 22

Some men are just douchebags like that. Don't confess your love to someone until you are certain about them

I think u should add the poem here aswell

Good for you for expressing your feelings. You're better off without that guy; it was extremely disrespectful for him to do what he did.

Write another poem back about how much of a dick he is