By bad day Brutus - 29/04/2013 05:26 - United States

Today, I confessed to cheating to my girlfriend. She decided to go up to the girl and ask her about it. The girl denied it and said she didn't even know me. My girlfriend walked up to me, called me a liar and punched me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 055
You deserved it 64 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I can't say you didn't deserve that punch.

You pretty much deserve whatever bad things happen to you.


mayor_west 8

Either way you're either lied to your girlfriend or cheated on her. In both accounts, you're a total asshole. You deserve neither girl.

This shouldn't even be a FML. Ur lucky she didn't do worse.

......really? you deserved so much more than that.

Shouldn't have cheated in the first place but good on you for being honest. :/

i dont think you deserved it . u might be really cute

It wouldn't have happened if you didn't cheat in the first place. Don't whine on FML about it. YDI.

No good deed goes unpunished. Honesty is a dangerous policy.