By bad day Brutus - 29/04/2013 05:26 - United States

Today, I confessed to cheating to my girlfriend. She decided to go up to the girl and ask her about it. The girl denied it and said she didn't even know me. My girlfriend walked up to me, called me a liar and punched me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 055
You deserved it 64 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I can't say you didn't deserve that punch.

You pretty much deserve whatever bad things happen to you.


U deserved that, no doubt; She's also an idiot for taking the other girls word sincerely

PhishloverA 14
rkzemke 3

Oh, a punch from your gf for supposedly lying about cheating is worse than whatever she might have done if she knew the actual truth?

I... I don't even understand what happened here

at least u admitted the other girl is a bit of a bitch though YDI fot cheating though

Well, it would have happened no matter what she said...

LunarDubstep 24

What kind of man Cheats on his girlfriend. If you say you love her then prove it by not cheating. It's like this: if a girl (or guy) finds out her boyfriend (or his girlfriend) is cheating and asks them to choose. If they say that they love you and choose you, tell them that they're a liar, they're wrong and most of all tell them to choose the second one because if they really loved you then they wouldn't of had a second one at all