By iamgermantoo - 21/02/2017 15:00 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I contacted my landlady to tell her that I approved of the girl she recommended for a sublet. She then told me she thinks this girl is a neo-Nazi. Why? The e-mails she sent to the girl were rejected as spam. Apparently, this and being German qualifies you to be a neo-Nazi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 403
You deserved it 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's got a point. I'd be rich if I had a dollar for every email titled "Exterminate the Jews and Increase Penis Size With This One Weird Trick" I received.


usatoday65 2

In yesistan we see everything, but however we did nazi that coming.

usatoday65 2

In yesistan no such thing like this exists. All nazis were exterminated in Bagavad three years ago. Soviets were placed and dachauschwitz and there is piece in the great country of yesistan. I should know I am the jarl of one of the four holds. I am the jarl of flurgendurgen, in the north.

OP: EVERY-body knows that about SPAM + German = neo-Nazi! ;-) lol --Me: German/ Hungarian

usatoday65 2

Not as unfortunate as the descendent of rudolf hess. But I made a joke out of it, now I'm the king of the nazis in my college, and the pubs around the college.

She's got a point. I'd be rich if I had a dollar for every email titled "Exterminate the Jews and Increase Penis Size With This One Weird Trick" I received.

jcash52426 5

Your landlord is right those Neo-Nazis just love to fill your spam folder with a bunch of of bullshit. Can you imagine the old day when they had to deliver them in person.

Racism and stereotyping: It doesn't just exist against minorities. It can happen against white people and white/european nationalities too

alternative-facts 6

Because the nazis were notorious for rejecting their spam emails.

i too am from ottawa and for some reason this city has a lot of crazy people in it this does not surprise me at all