By Why Is It Always Me - 21/02/2017 12:00 - Canada - Calgary

Today, during an interview, I was given a list of items and asked which items I would take to a deserted island. When I chose a Bible, the interviewer asked why. I replied, "So I can burn it." What I meant to say was, "So I can use it to start a fire if the trees on the island bear fruit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 597
You deserved it 3 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oreosaretoocool 18

Everyone gets nervous O.P but surely a match or lighter would have been a better answer?


Pretty sure OP understands the concept, given they made this FML with clear awareness of their mistake.

oreosaretoocool 18

Everyone gets nervous O.P but surely a match or lighter would have been a better answer?

supertrampk 8

OP said they were given a list of items to pick from, we don't know if either match or a lighter was on that list

Besides, they would be used to start a fire, not as the fuel to keep one going.

I'm really annoyed at the fact that several people didn't read the FML thoroughly enough to know & remember that OP was given a list before commenting..

Both phrases kinda sound sacrilegious. Maybe choose a standard book as opposed to desecrating anybodies faith. And yes I would've said the same if this were a Quran/Torah, etc.

They were given a list to choose from. They probably only had the 1 book on it.

...that second statement actually makes LESS sense

Burle 17

If the trees on the island bear fruit, you would not want to cut them down for firewood as they are a source of food.

Rock_Lobsterr 10

If you cut down the tree, it will no longer grow fruit. You don't want to cut down what might be your only food source.

I'm really hoping that this wasn't a job interview because it would be entirely inappropriate to ask if you'd take a Bible somewhere with you.

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bones098 0
jcash52426 5

They want you to know survival skill so when you mess up they don't have to give you a severance package they can just dump you on a deserted island.

CrazyJolteon 0
epilepticloh 20

He was given a list of items,he didn't pick what he personally wanted at the top of his head

usatoday65 2

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I'm not getting the part "...if the trees on the island bear fruit."

Agreed, the clarification didn't make it sound any less sacrilegious to me. Seeing as I'm not a Christian, I can only wonder if it's referencing a passage in the bible that I'm not familiar with?

TabooSushi 24

You guys are both overcomplicating it: OP means that if the island's trees bore fruit, OP wouldn't want to chop them all up for wood and kindling because then a good food source would be gone.

I believe OP is saying that if the trees grow fruit that they don't want to use the trees to start a fire so they won't lose a food source, so they chose to use paper from the bible instead. which still doesn't make a lot of sense since they could use fallen leaves and twigs instead without having to interfere with the food source.

You don't want to cut down trees that feed you.