By xd3box - 25/07/2012 04:10 - United States - High Point

Today, I continued my habit of saying, "It smells like lung cancer over here" any time I see a smoker. This guy turned out to be an amateur MMA fighter, and I was his "workout" for the day. I guess his lungs are doing fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 928
You deserved it 59 180

xd3box tells us more.

xd3box 4

I don't usually see people coming back to comment on their own FMLs, but I wanted to see what people had to say. 136, I don't make a habit of walking by smokers. I've just had a few too many family members diagnosed with lung cancer from what should be called a lethal drug. I wasn't trying to be condescending with my remarks. I was simply giving a harsh reality in a way that could possibly cause him To put the cigarette down. To add on I'll ask a question to everyone: How angry would you be if you found out you had lung cancer or emphysema some second-hand smoke?

Top comments

I don't see how you wouldn't deserve that.

You should mind your own business in future, they made the decision to smoke so let them get on with it.


honestly, everyone else who negatively commented back to you all need to learn to shut the **** up, freedom of speech and the right to live a healthy life were taken not only because some dude smokes in public areas where his negative life choice has affected yours as well as others by further polluting our air, but being an asshole and fighting you therefore taking your right and privilege to freedom of speech, I would definitely look at placing charges...

Unfortunately it's unlikely he will be caught, but I agree, if possible you should press charges.

TheDrifter 23

Of course, there's a good chance op started the fight, legally anyhow. In that case he would be the one charged.

Everyone on here has the right to freedom of speech too. Clearly the guy overreacted, but nobody wants someone else's views forced down their throat. The difference is, no one is making you read these comments, while OP apparently goes around being rude to strangers

You don't want to know what shit we breathe in every day, sweetheart. Cars don't give fresh, healthy air either, yet nobody gives a ****. But standing next to a smoker for five minutes in plain air? Enough reason to start a war.

I agree with you OP. I hate smokers. They all deserve to get lung/throat cancer etc. They know the risks and still do, it will teach them a lesson.

TheDrifter 23

You deserve to die a slow painful death after being hit by a bus. After all you know the risk in crossing the road. I like this logic of yours, I think I'll keep it.

I hate gamers and think they should all die slow deaths from blood clots for being lazy unsociable fat asses. Because they know the risks. Wow, this logic really does make sense.

VioletRaven1 8

Haha let me try ......... I hate people who judge others by what they r doing instead of who they r and cause they think hey this guy is smoking what a dick but what they should think is I wonder what made him start what happened in his past if he is depressed or something like that not judging him from the inside but the outside and the 1 thing he is doing that one minute...... Did i so it right ...... If so i think i also like this Logic

74- Oddly enough, my body doesn't reject the gasses emitted from the burning of fossil fuels or other shit like that. Just the smell of cigarette smoke. You're way too ignorant to be commenting.

When I see a smoker walking by me, i leave them alone, unless they blow smoke at me, thenI start to really cough loudly and make them feel guilty ;)

They aren't doing it on purpose. Wind blows the smoke at you, no one is deliberately aiming it at your face. Also we don't feel guilty when people do that. We just think "hmm that guy is a bit of a ****.."

sbuxsux11 8

that cough makes us laugh. if you really think youre guilt tripping anyone youre a bit too self involved.and like the doc said- the healthcare industry needs us just as much as the government needs us for the taxes they make off us. buy a prius and preach somewhere else

sbuxsux11 8

that cough makes us laugh. if you really think youre guilt tripping anyone youre a bit too self involved.and like the doc said- the healthcare industry needs us just as much as the government needs us for the taxes they make off us. buy a prius and preach somewhere else

sbuxsux11 8

sorry for the double post. fix the droid issues!!

You totally deserved that. Who are you to not only judge people, but then make rude and unnecessary comments loud enough for him to hear? ******' prick.

babyshaft408 8

Good u deserve that. Mind ur own business

Well his lungs aren't fine. You didn't deserve to get beaten. Whenever I walk through the tunnel of smoke at work (even though there is not supposed to be smoking near buildings), I cough and hack loudly.

This guy doesn't deserve it at all. Making fun of smokers is 100% justified because they're already dumb enough to smoke and their stupid habit affects others. This smoker also has anger issues, which doesn't help his case. Keep up the good habit, OP! These are sad times when people are taking the side of a smoker.

TheDrifter 23

Better smoker than a verbally abusive nitwit too dim to avoid picking fights he can't win?

Well, its kind of the smokers choice. Its not funny to use a very bad disease.

Steel_BZ 8

Do you eat fast/processed food? What if everytime you did someone said, "It smells like a heart attack over here"? Everyone has bad habits and nobody deserves cancer. Get off your high horse.

131 That's why you do that to obsess people too. And I can't believe everyone is siding with the smoker. Maybe because they are smokers themselves and are disrespectful people that follow the crowd. Since when was smoking okay in society?

I fail to see how being a smoker makes you a bad person. The better option would of been to avoid the smoke by walking around it. Plenty of bad people were non-smokers

TheDrifter 23

191, smoking has been socially accepted for over 3000 years. Get over yourself, we all die of something.

VioletRaven1 8

So u sayin cause i tryed a smoke that means im stupid , ****** in the head, mean and all that shit ............... Wow u are 1 judgy little prick who should get a ****** life and live it plus mind your own ****** buisness ....... Im not normally dissapointed and angey at someone but u asked 4 it