By xd3box - 25/07/2012 04:10 - United States - High Point

Today, I continued my habit of saying, "It smells like lung cancer over here" any time I see a smoker. This guy turned out to be an amateur MMA fighter, and I was his "workout" for the day. I guess his lungs are doing fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 928
You deserved it 59 180

xd3box tells us more.

xd3box 4

I don't usually see people coming back to comment on their own FMLs, but I wanted to see what people had to say. 136, I don't make a habit of walking by smokers. I've just had a few too many family members diagnosed with lung cancer from what should be called a lethal drug. I wasn't trying to be condescending with my remarks. I was simply giving a harsh reality in a way that could possibly cause him To put the cigarette down. To add on I'll ask a question to everyone: How angry would you be if you found out you had lung cancer or emphysema some second-hand smoke?

Top comments

I don't see how you wouldn't deserve that.

You should mind your own business in future, they made the decision to smoke so let them get on with it.


ebethsuperstar 2

YDI for being a self-righteous douche. So sick of people giving smokers a hard time when we are usually off in a corner or OUTSIDE where it isn't hurting anybody. FYI smoking is legal and a choice and people need to get over it and stop treating us like second class citizens.

I don't even mind smokers smoking outside if they're not bothering me but you guys have seriously got to stop with the 'it's outside so the smoke magically doesn't exist' crap. The smoke is still there, there's loads of it not just the stuff you can see, it doesn't dissipate that quickly and even if if it did, you continually puff it out. I can be standing 20 metres away from a smoker and it can still make me cough so by all means, if you want to smoke then smoke, but please stop acting like smoke doesn't exist if you're outside. Also I'm pretty sure smoking would be illegal if there wasn't so much money wrapped up in it and people who are already addicted that the government would then have to deal with.

I quit smoking for a while but recently started again when I was stressed & upset because my husband passed away from lung cancer which was not caused by smoking, he never smoked in his life. But because of the circumstances if you made that comment near me I would find it extremely disrespectful & would probably kick the shit out of you too. Think before you speak, asshole.

Vulpixvixen24, you're Rob Reiner in disguise aren't you?

Well he won't last long in MMA if he's smoking

osm1989_fml 6

Smoking may be a bad habit, but people can quit that. You, on the other hand, will probably always be a prick.