By xd3box - 25/07/2012 04:10 - United States - High Point
xd3box tells us more.
I don't usually see people coming back to comment on their own FMLs, but I wanted to see what people had to say. 136, I don't make a habit of walking by smokers. I've just had a few too many family members diagnosed with lung cancer from what should be called a lethal drug. I wasn't trying to be condescending with my remarks. I was simply giving a harsh reality in a way that could possibly cause him To put the cigarette down. To add on I'll ask a question to everyone: How angry would you be if you found out you had lung cancer or emphysema some second-hand smoke?
Top comments
Its their choice if they want to get lung cancer and suffer. If the people that you say that too aren't your family then you shouldn't be concerned about a stragers choice.
YDI for being a condescending prick.
I don't smoke, but I would totally punch you if I overheard you saying that. That's so obnoxious...
And smoking isn't?
Next time ask an adult what to say before vocalising it, or another suggestion is to stop being a knob end and let people smoke if they wish.
So because you feel you could take most people in a fight, that gives you the right to say whatever you like to them?
No, I believe that's called freedom of speech... OP didn't even say anything insulting, he just referenced the FACT that smoking causes cancer. Beating him up won't change that. The other guy totally overreacted.
OP, shut your ******* pie hole and keep your stupid joke to yourself. If you get these people to stop smoking, we doctors will have far fewer patients to take care of! Those idiots keep us in business!
Excuse me, but is he not entitled to voice his opinion? You don't deserve to be physically assaulted because you said something someone doesn't like. Unless you are advocating in favour of vigilante justice, and a society in which being offensive warrants being attacked, then maybe it is you that should shut up.
Farscape - first, what I said was clearly a joke. If you can't see that, you need to get your chi realigned or some shit. Second, when did I even say anything about vigilante justice? Third, what OP said wasn't "voicing an opinion". It was saying something stupid to someone who was making a bad choice. Are you really advocating going around telling everyone wearing an ugly sweater that they are wearing a hideous sweater? Fourth, didn't your mother ever teach you "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything?" Based on your comment, I guess not. Now did you have any other stupid questions to ask?
Yes, Baustigt. It will. It's a known complication of laughing called "Assoff's Syndrome". There's no known cure other than Farscape.
*groans* ...
That tactic was so obviously going to land you in trouble OP. How could you be so ******* dumb?
Most people just cough.
I don't see how you wouldn't deserve that.
You should mind your own business in future, they made the decision to smoke so let them get on with it.