By rachlette - 17/04/2015 21:47 - United States - Seattle

Today, I coughed so hard that I fractured two ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 505
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That wasn't a cough, it's an alien trying to burst out of your chest cavity.

Sounds like you have very fragile bones. You should get that looked at.


crackajak 15
YourOpinionSucks 22

I don't want to believe this is real. If it is, that sucks majorly. I've never broken a rib, but I've heard that it even hurts to breath since the ribs have to move to do so

Equitube 4

The pain is horrible. It's like a bad, bad, charlie horse, then someone sticks a knife in it and twists when you have a muscle spasm

gosh. Better see a doctor,that cough was fracturing o.O

That must have been so painful! Recover quickly!

Woah, first time hearing something like this. Hopefully you get yourself all sorted out. Feel better OP

Sounds like you need more calcium in your diet. Good luck OP.

Yeah I was going to say the same thing.