By twitch01 - 09/08/2009 07:31 - United States

Today, as a joke, my friends and I decided to put me in a dress and makeup, to creep out a friend. I'm a guy. I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that I so willingly volunteered to wear the dress and the makeup, or the fact that I thought it was comfy and made me look slim. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 772
You deserved it 54 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i never understood why girls could wear guys' clothes but guys couldn't wear girls' clothes

I once had to cross dress as part of a play. I felt so comfy in the dress. XD Most guys just won't understand.


hibarisanstr 0
Skull_300 0

You creeped me the **** out!!!

Ohai Jeffree Star. YDI for having a lady's figure.

oh come on, everyone is curious about how it would feel to be the opposute sex. don't be such hypocrites guys. if not something is wrong with you, not with the OP.

cornbutter 0

Whadda pussy!!!! I'm replying to make my post seen.

Skull_300 0

Yeah, if I was a chick I would be playing with my **** all the time!

Californians have accents? I went there and they don't sound like they have an accent to me.

fantasy_ 0
sandiejenkins 0

What the ****? Californian's don't have accents. Unless it's that stupid surfer accent that like 5 percent of the population has.

Bunnystomper 1

I'm replying to make my post seen.

At least like, they don't like, say like like, every fifteen like, seconds *flips her hair to the side*

This isn't an FML at all. I've done skits and stand-up in drag before. It's really no big deal, at least not in New York.

i never understood why girls could wear guys' clothes but guys couldn't wear girls' clothes

Not that i want to but i agree, i dont see why its such a big deal.

I agree with you, i mean i have never worn a dress, but some would provide lots of ball space, and a possibly come with nice airy breeze that would also be pleasant. But the slimming thing is abit of a fail.

heavenandhell 0

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junjouromantica 0

Very true, nothing wrong with it. If you can work it, wear it. Hahaha, just kidding. It probably seems much stranger to guys because it's not very "manly," and anything that isn't "manly" is gay to guys. Hey, some girls like it. Just look at this guy: It only means you're confident enough with your sexuality to wear a dress.

Girls can wear guy clothes and guys can't wear girl clothes because society preaches that masculinity is good, and femininity is not. It's just another sexist double standard. To the OP: This is an FML, why?

ChelseaAnn08 0

Yeah...guys dress shirts are probably THE most comfy thing I've ever worn.

30, you're awesome. But 41, I disagree with "because society preaches that masculinity is good, and femininity is not." Seriously, haven't you seen the attention stupid bitch celebrities get, and how gaga everyone is over their dresses? My father bitches me the **** out for never wearing dresses.. or skirts... or make up... or hair gel... or ear rings.. anything like that. I don't know why he just can't accept I don't feel comfortable with that stuff... it's a different thing though. If you are comfortable in it, wear it. Doesn't matter if people bitch; it's about how it feels on you. OP, don't be so ashamed. I won't say FYL because it doesn't really matter.

mkb_fml 0
myalleyway 9

it could be reverse sexism; everybody feels bad about the way women were treated, so they're trying to make up for it by "allowing" a woman to dress like a man. but because men had little no suffering in history, there is nothing to make up for, no one feels bad, so men "aren't allowed" to wear women's clothes. another possibility is that society feels we must make sure nobody is too different, so the reins are tightened. granted, some people break free, and do as they please, but most people are stuck in the "i must please as many people as possible so i will have as many friends as possible" mode. i feel men and women can act, dress, say, feel, and think as they please, without feat of other people judging them.

myalleyway 9

another possibility is that society feels we must make sure nobody is too different, so the reins are tightened. granted, some people break free, and do as they please, but most people are stuck in the "i must please as many people as possible so i will have as many friends as possible" mode. it could be reverse sexism; women have been mistreated, so this is "making up" for it

Women started wearing men's clothes en masse during the 1920s I believe. I think they believed that by dressing like men, they'd be treated like men, ie, the right to vote. I also think this may have been even more popularized during World War Two. All the men went off to war and women were pressurized to make up the work difference. Kind of difficult to look beautiful and wear dresses while working in a factory. Women had reasons to dress like men in history, but there has been no reason for men to dress like women. Not yet anyways :)

I once had to cross dress as part of a play. I felt so comfy in the dress. XD Most guys just won't understand.

Ydi for being a fatass bitchass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh go on and admit it, YOU'RE GAY!!!!

kellster 2

(fml put my comment in the wrong place!)

Meh, it's not a big deal, clothes don't make a person... Get over it...

I don't really think thats a big deal. Do whatever you want.

wow. thats pretty gay. I think FML should take this down

myalleyway 9

i think you're pretty rude, judgmental, and homophobic.

tori12 0

I don't think it's bad at all, personally. I mean, just because you openly put them on and are comfortable enough with yourself to do that AND admit you like it is a sign of confidence. It doesn't mean you're gay or any crap like that.