By BelleCharmante - 14/07/2011 04:50 - United States

Today, I couldn't shut a drawer in my kitchen, because an oven mitt was blocking it. An oven mitt filled with tin-foil wrapped electronics. My Mom believes Internet hackers can get into her digital camera and prepaid cell phone, and apparently tin-foil will prevent that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 233
You deserved it 2 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeapieandrun 9

Those camera hackers have been getting out of hand recently...

SimmoRocks 1


thisonetimeonly 0

dude that is an actually common symptom of schizophrenia..

mrsjewkes182 0

wow and i thought my mom was bad for being freaked that furbies were japans way to spy on us....

taurusxdee 10

as long as she doesnt think that the kgb wants to kill her or little green men are following her that aint so bad

your mom is either stupid or crazy. or both.

sky22_fml 7

your mums insane!... everyone knows that the only thing tin stops from hacking into things is aliens 0.0

she means that thy can derbies through the lenses retard so yeah tin foil will help...