
By Anonymous - 28/09/2016 13:08 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my kitchen is trying to kill me. So far, I've hit my head three times on cupboards that opened themselves, cut open my hand on the microwave door when it slammed shut, and burned my cheek with the "heat-proof" oven mitt when I pushed the hair off my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 267
You deserved it 2 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heat proof means heat won't go through it and burn your hand on the inside. It still heats up on the outside.

I think your house is trying to tell you something... It's time to pack your bags, the next thing you know a girl is going to be crawling out of your TV late at night.


Just because something says 'heat-proof'. Why would you decide to test it with your face?

Heat proof means heat won't go through it and burn your hand on the inside. It still heats up on the outside.

I think your house is trying to tell you something... It's time to pack your bags, the next thing you know a girl is going to be crawling out of your TV late at night.

Ok op what did you do to make your kitchen want to kill you lol I hope things get better soon

This is why a steady diet of take-out fast food is better for your health. Those low-paid workers still know how to survive homicidal kitchens.

iheartbreak 8

Waterproof devices still get wet

Aww hell nah! Get outta there before it gets worse and the spirit becomes attached to you. Lol jk Get the salt and call Dean and Sam! They'll handle that sh*t real quick.

mariri9206 32

OP lives in the UK. They don't need Sam and Dean. They need Sherlock or The Doctor.

Catlover1130 14

lol I was going to say the same thing

I'd rather the Doctor over Sherlock any day.