By BelleCharmante - 14/07/2011 04:50 - United States

Today, I couldn't shut a drawer in my kitchen, because an oven mitt was blocking it. An oven mitt filled with tin-foil wrapped electronics. My Mom believes Internet hackers can get into her digital camera and prepaid cell phone, and apparently tin-foil will prevent that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 233
You deserved it 2 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeapieandrun 9

Those camera hackers have been getting out of hand recently...

SimmoRocks 1


creedaddict 9

you mom is right make sure she gets the heavy duty foil .... NOT! ur moms nuts

perdix 29

Tinfoil would foil (pun intended) the hackers, but all we can get is aluminum foil. "They" are keeping the actual tin foil to themselves. Congratulate your mom on building a Faraday cage that will prevent the hackers, but is useless in preventing Satan from entering her camera or phone. Look what Satan did to Anthony Weiner's and Tiger Woods's phones!

daxter136 0

the aliens are hackers only foil can stop them

she is right. foil will create a faraday cage; no signals in or out. should have cooked them. they'd never be hacked then.

neimato1 0

so this means you crushed her electronics?

meanwhile in outerspace... "Dam tht tinfoil!!!"

niswisk 3

lol if ur camera has video yes the goverment can hack into the mic and camera on it without u knowing. along with the cellphone. tin foil yes does work. but its less stupid to just take the batteries out.

she's not doing it right! where's her tinfoil hat??? the aliens might get in next and those are the ones you should worry about. they tell you to free all the giraffes from the zoo!

Sorry but tin foil won't stop dedicated hackers

MerrikBarbarian 9

tin foil actually can block certain radio waves and in the case of an emp explosion, her electronics are safe, while yours will be dead. her reasoning is wrong, but tin foil can save your electronics should a nuclear attack occur. :p