By phonemenace - 17/08/2011 09:50 - United States

Today, I counted the amount of stuff that my dad had bought within a week: a brand new boat, car, and truck. He also has countless gadgets at his office, including a 60" television. Our house is literally falling apart but Mr. Midlife-crisis won't do anything to help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 795
You deserved it 2 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never stand between a man and his toys. Never.

damn. you must be rich! he should buy a new house while hes at it.


Trade the car for another truck, then form the truck-boat-truck

_Allstar_ 2

Somethings a little backwards isnt it? haha but hey all that stuff is pretty awesome!!

superguppy19 3

I feel your pain! My hubby's the same way!!

He probably got a bachelor pad being built somewhere, oops ur momma not suppose to know about that

adam_1684 0

Rich toys. Poor house? You must be confused

lopezk 0

I'm not there yet, but I know my midlife crisis item will be a Royal Enfield Bullet G5 Military motorcycle. Thing is, I can afford it. Mortgage is under control. The house isn't falling apart. Everything else is paid off. Sucks for the OP!