By phonemenace - 17/08/2011 09:50 - United States

Today, I counted the amount of stuff that my dad had bought within a week: a brand new boat, car, and truck. He also has countless gadgets at his office, including a 60" television. Our house is literally falling apart but Mr. Midlife-crisis won't do anything to help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 795
You deserved it 2 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never stand between a man and his toys. Never.

damn. you must be rich! he should buy a new house while hes at it.


manasstalker 7

It's his house and his money. Get a job and move out if you don't like it.

Chrispayne 4

Do u live with ur dad as n being a minor or r u grown and just want to live off ur dad the rest of ur life.

unixdude 9

Hey, at least it's "boat / car / truck" and not "18 year old girlfriend / new **** for girlfriend / credit card for girlfriend" ...or maybe it's all that, too.

Maybe he's losing the house, defaulting on loans and declaring bankruptcy. He's just having a little fun before the fall.

modiese 3
Fruitmonster2 15

Oh, you poor baby. Are you gonna go cry to mommy now?

stoptrying 9

I think I'm going to go cry to the government for not killing people as stupid as you at birth.

tell him buying a new house is cooler and makes him seem more young than a motor cycle or sell the shyt lol