By still learning - 26/02/2012 17:42 - Canada

Today, I cut myself while shaving my globes. My girlfriend now refuses to stop teasing me about being "fisted by Edward Scissorhands." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 066
You deserved it 7 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xquisite1 28

Wow! Balls the size of a tell me--How do you find underwear to fit your massive man globes?


iseyixes 18

Well when your girlfriend has her monthly visit you can accuse her of the same.

Maybe op should get his girlfriend to kiss the cuts and make them all better ;-)

GoW_Chick 14

I think someones girlfriend got into the yaoi craze, nothing wrong with sexual curiosity.

Johnny Depp could get me to do anything (and I mean anything). he's too hot to say no to...

At least she referenced Edward Scissorhands and not Freddy Kruger.

samm_pd 0

the fact that u let edward scissorhands get anywhere NEAR your globes baffles me . . . you're one crazy SOB !!!!!!!

I can honestly say I dint know guys shaved there 0.0

I dated a guy who didn't and it was gross. Some guys probably aren't as bad though but man I take care of mine he should do the same. I mean, unless your the Zohan then you get the free pass :)

Shit, I made it sound like I have balls lol *hides in corner* I swear I don't but I do take care of myself.

tdawg4200 0

That's hilarious. Funniest thing I've read today.