By Rainbow92 - 19/08/2009 23:43 - Bulgaria
Same thing different taste
By Hungrey - 29/05/2012 01:38 - United States
Wow, thanks, I'm cured
By me. - 22/07/2023 10:00
By SmallTownCutie - 29/05/2019 04:13
By Anonymous - 13/01/2012 00:59 - United States
By I'm just sick, really - 02/05/2015 00:33 - United States - Springfield
By tardspawn - 05/04/2015 15:38 - United Kingdom - Horsham
By chronic masticator - 21/05/2016 11:51 - United States
Harsh words
By Anonymous - 11/12/2024 13:00 - United States
ED much?
By Anonymous - 12/01/2011 01:04 - United States
By nothanks - 22/08/2010 13:42 - United States
Top comments
Maybe, just maybe.. You should stop being a fatass. And if you aren't, stop thinking you are one (: See, I wish you wouldn't have asked for help so you could just eventually die. Survival of the fittest, amirite. No seriously, **** off. Anyone with 'mental' illnesses that are completely bogus should really just go die already. I don't give a damn what you say, and go ahead and act like I don't care for anyone with a problem - but depression, anorexia, and bulimia are all BULLSHIT.
youarewrong survival of the fittest means that those who create the most offspring survive, not people who make fun of bulimic people on FML are better than them. go to a biology class. i hate when people say "survival of the fittest" in that context, that's social darwinism, and that doesn't really get people anywhere.
Actually survival of the fittest is not whoever creates the most offspring survives it exactly what is says. I like how you just googled survival of the fittest and clicked the first one( wikipedia). Here is the exact quote from it "An interpretation of the phrase "survival of the fittest" to mean "only the fittest organisms will prevail" (a view sometimes derided as "Social Darwinism") is not consistent with the actual theory of evolution. Any individual organism which succeeds in reproducing itself is "fit" and will contribute to survival of its species, not just the "physically fittest" ones, though some of the population will be better adapted to the circumstances than others. A more accurate characterization of evolution would be "survival of the fit enough." If we did not have people to help out bulimics and they werent strong enough to survive it on their own it would be the end of them.Their mind is not fit enough to survive and nutural selection ensues.
well, that might be true, but we are more advanced than just leaving people behind, if we can find a way to fix things like this, why not? and people aren't pathetic just because they aren't perfect. no one is perfect so complaining about how this girl is "pathetic" is just not productive. and it is very possible that mental diseases aren't bullshit, body parts have glitches, so how come the part of your brain that controls thought can't be one of them? and sometimes people have things happen to them that they cannot control, and they get sad, get in a funk, and do illogical things. and for people that say they don't do stupid things when they are really sad mad at least SOMETIMES are kidding themselves. those things might not be as extreme as bulimia, no one can be logical, strong and independent every second of their lives, especially when bad things happen. and you don't know what caused this girl to be bulimic, she could have had something awful happen to her to trigger it, so you can't just assume they are inferior.
well people waste water everyday, and i bet the people who complain about her wasting food also waste water which many children in 3rd world countries can't drink safely. you can do it in many ways, long showers, leaving the faucet on, etc, so don't judge others. americans, where many commenters come from, i heard actually use more water for showers than many other countries, i may be wrong, but if im not, stop bitching about her bulimia. so we'll take our showers and be careless about water, and let her do what SHE does.
Perhaps your mom was in shock, and saying things that she didn't mean? I don't know; confessing something like self-harm suddenly can have unpredicted results. Push for therapy. If you can't get it through your mother, try a help group. Ask your doctor for a referral. Bulimia is a very serious thing and you need to stop, period. Realistically, you need to be dedicated enough to getting better that what your mom says can't stop you. (It's not that I'm unsympathetic, but bulimia doesn't resolve itself. Other people can't force a bulimic to get better. They have to make the choice and focus their willpower to change.)
Also, bulimia is an excuse. And people who think it should qualify as a 'mental disorder' will probably, some time in the future, be able to say they have a 'mental disorder' for caring - equally as retarded. Seriously. Mental disorders are a ******* EXCUSE to make people feel better about their lame-ass weakness. In fact, I'm sure people who were bulimic/ect. are the ones that made the shit up about mental disorders in the first place. 'Cause what you all are saying is that they're guilty.. guilty enough to make up some whack story to make themselves feel better (: *******. Die.
I hope no one in your family ever suffers from a mental illness... Only then will you understand. Ignorant ****. Get off your computer and go read a book.
Oh I'm sure. Oh wait.. I DO have someone in my family who claims to have a 'mental illness' and wait.. I STILL think it's bullshit. **** off.
lol! What is your deal? You're so negative! Ok right on there, dark wolf, I'll go **** off so you can spread the word about mental illness being a joke.
Това са то българските майки, не го приемай много присърце и потърси помощ другаде :)
HAHA omg i laughed because i could totally picture my mom saying that. but sorry about your disorder :[ i wish you the best of luck in getting help
Bulimia and Anorexia are two things that piss me off. I can't stand people who don't eat just to look good. I have a relative of mine who's bulimic and she bitches at everything when there's NOTHING wrong with her life, she became bulimic so she could be a tad more skinnier so she can ***** herself around more and wanted people to pity her. Since her life isn't bad, she creates this bs shit. I had eating problems when I was younger but I never starved myself or threw up because I wanted to. I feel bad for people that have cancer or tumor since it wasn't their choice, not when people ******* make THEMSELVES sick. What a bunch of morons. Go eat a ******* meal and be grateful you have food in your life. There's people in the world that can't afford milk.
OP, I'm sorry 90% of the people in this thread are being assholes. I'm a recovering bulimic myself and I know how hard it can be. If your mom doesn't understand, please seek therapy so you have someone to listen to you and help you through these difficult times. And to everyone giving her crap for "wasting food middle Eastern kids could eat," it's not as though she's physically stealing food from underprivileged. Her not throwing up her pizza isn't going to buy one for a refugee camp. If you're so concerned about starvation, donate food or money or time to charities helping them instead of sitting around mocking someone on the internet. You might think you're Mother Theresa, but bitching on FML isn't putting food on anybody's plate.
Lame. That sucks that your mother did not react how you needed her to. I hope she comes to be more supportive. I wish you the best in your recovery.