By brokenbabe - 22/06/2011 02:38 - United States
brokenbabe tells us more.
I am the OP. my boyfriend and i havent had sex. Thats the first thing. We've been together 3 years. He has promised we are getting married since fall 2010. He said like this summer. I did not leave him. I am just mad at him
Top comments
a woman told me if your man after 6-12months still doesnt know if he wants to be with you for the rest of his life, its time to get a new man!
Uh, really? Sorry, but I don't think most relationships develop quickly enough for you to know who you want to marry after 6-12 months. It's perfectly possible that her boyfriend isn't ready to make that kind of commitment. My husband and I got married almost two years in, after we'd had the chance to really get to know each other's habits and quirks. On the other side, my ex and I got engaged six months in, while we were still learning each other, and we ended up fighting all the time about stupid things.
6-12 months is not a long enough indicator of whether or not you want to stay with the other person for the rest of your life, since you're still in the lust phase.
That is some of the worst advice I have heard. I know some people get engaged, or fall in love very early in the relationship, and sometimes it lasts, but people who get married that soon don't typically stay together long. You may think you're in love, but I think true, lasting love takes alot longer to develope.
My advice... Get some new advice(:
That's some really awful advice.
Well, at least he didn't say no. Of course, if you've been together 8 years and he still says that... hmmmm time to rethink things. I think around 3-4 years is a good time frame. Any sooner than that, and your relationship is still young.
He's just using you for sex, OP. You should move on and find a guy who actually thinks highly enough of you to want to spend the rest of his life with you. You're wasting your time with this loser.
a guy doesn't usually want to marry you if he didn't ask you first. He probably wasn't ready. YDI.
Daww, I'm so sorry. :(

Next time he asks for sex ask for a raincheck, simple as that.
Not as bad as the FML a while ago about the guy who proposed at Chuck-E-Cheese.