By brokenbabe - 22/06/2011 02:38 - United States

Today, I decided I was done waiting for my boyfriend to ask me to marry him, so we were cuddling in his bed and I asked him. He asked for a rain check. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 116
You deserved it 15 101

brokenbabe tells us more.

I am the OP. my boyfriend and i havent had sex. Thats the first thing. We've been together 3 years. He has promised we are getting married since fall 2010. He said like this summer. I did not leave him. I am just mad at him

Top comments

Next time he asks for sex ask for a raincheck, simple as that.

Not as bad as the FML a while ago about the guy who proposed at Chuck-E-Cheese.


ijnek 3

Sooooo.... what's a raincheck?

imbordsoimhere 0

like saying ask me later or your busy something like that.


lol, wow, and sexy glasses.. :p jk not funny...

xxDefiantxx 0

Alan, I believe you mean Christ on a ******* bike, no? That's what i always here....never heard christ on a jetski

Props for asking him yourself and not waiting around forever. Sorry he was immature enough not to say he just wasn't ready or to say no straight out. Its time you take it one step further and have a real discussion. If he isn't ready, maybe you can wait for a little longer. If he isn't ever going to commit, time to move on. Pretty simple.

SmittyJA24 26

#31: excellent answer!! (Exactly what I was gonna say!) She wants marriage ... he doesn't ... it's time for her to move on.

blaketron89 0

dump him!!! come on doesn't that make sense??

AwesomeNinjazz 3

Maybe. But at least he can spell.

dyno254 0

who me are you stupid im texting dumbass wats wrong with yall?

This, is a website. Not a place of texting. Jeez.

Did you guys even discuss where the relationship was going before doing this? You should have had an idea of what he was going to say before asking this. IMO it is stupid for one person to randomly propose to the other out of the blue before even having the discussion of where things are going. If you didn't do this it also means you probably neglected to have other important discussions.

ihainecross 4

I'm sorry but that was stupid :/

why, would it have been "stupid" if it was him who proposed?

jordanalexis97 0

If you really loved him, you'd be able to wait. And not be posting about it on FML. He could've easily said "No. Have you ever heard of romantic proposals where the GUY asks the girl?" It could've been worse. Atleast he's saying that he's going to marry you one day. :)

although that's harsh.... who knows how he's feeling.

jackiemoonthepro 5