By Anonymous - 27/01/2013 06:10 - United States - Batesville

Today, I decided to change my hair color. After waiting in anticipation, I took a shower to rinse out the dye and reveal my new, blue hair. Rinsing revealed not only blue hair, but blue skin caused by the watered dye running over my body. I now look like a smurf, and it's not coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 453
You deserved it 42 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Andr913 13

Well, now your skin matches your hair!

Time to legally change your name to 'Smurfette' by deed poll...


Go to sally's they have color remover meant for the skin. Sometimes color gets on the skin and its what some stylist use to remove dye from the skin. I have also been told DAWN dish soap helps or a clarifying shampoo not meant for colored hair. I would try the color remover it works the best and anyone can go to sallys.

That happened to me. When I was 7. And it was temporary hair dye.

That's why you always wash hair colors like this out over the sink. No stains all over your body.

squideth 18

76 the only one looking pathetic is you, dude.

i had that happen to me with purple a few months ago, ive been dyeing my hair forever and that was the first color that just stained EVERYTHING. what i learned, wash your hair last when you shower, lean forward and hold the shower head over you so you wash your head kind of upsidedown. and use as cold of water as you can stand, it seals the color so it wont stain everything nearly as much once your hair is dry. good luck!

kalynnepointer 7

You really should have researched that better if it was your first time, especially with such a drastic color. Cotton swabs with rubbing alcohol will take it off.

what kind of idiot dyes their hair blue? fyl

They sell different wipes and things that have hair dye remover in them if someone is willing to get them for you. I dye my hair red and that's what I use when I get the dye on my skin. Good luck!

I'm usually anti spray tan because they make most people look orange, but maybe a spray tan would help OP by covering up the blue?