By Anonymous - 27/01/2013 06:10 - United States - Batesville

Today, I decided to change my hair color. After waiting in anticipation, I took a shower to rinse out the dye and reveal my new, blue hair. Rinsing revealed not only blue hair, but blue skin caused by the watered dye running over my body. I now look like a smurf, and it's not coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 453
You deserved it 42 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Andr913 13

Well, now your skin matches your hair!

Time to legally change your name to 'Smurfette' by deed poll...


Riotgrrrl0097 1

Don't if anybody has suggested these yet or if you already found a solution but just in case for next time, put lotion on your fore head, cheeks, neck ext. before dying your hair (helps the dye not to stick to your skin) and anything that does make it past the lotion, rub hair spray and/or shampoo on the dyed skin and it will take it off...also Brillo pads work, too but they are a bit harsher as you can imagine.

slothsarecool 11

who the **** dyes their hair blue?

A lot of people....I'm planning to, in fact -___-

allisadawn91 8

Well that's your own fault lol

I've dyed my hair blue 3+ times. The only time my skin has turned blue was around my face and my neck, I scrubbed with soap and it came right off.

6demon6spawn6 12

you must be new to dying hair. say good by to having warm showers, if you like having blue hair.