By Anonymous - 27/01/2013 06:10 - United States - Batesville

Today, I decided to change my hair color. After waiting in anticipation, I took a shower to rinse out the dye and reveal my new, blue hair. Rinsing revealed not only blue hair, but blue skin caused by the watered dye running over my body. I now look like a smurf, and it's not coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 453
You deserved it 42 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Andr913 13

Well, now your skin matches your hair!

Time to legally change your name to 'Smurfette' by deed poll...


Which is y I get my blue hair proffessionally (can't spell) done

patacus 14

I heard nail polish remover works. a guy I work with once tried to dye his very short buzzed hair black. and ended up with a purple scalp

I dye my hair all the time and the only time it gets stuck on my skin is before the shower, never during. And yes, I have dyed it blue.

shakethat 10

Haha!!! Umm yeah what dye are u using. Mine comes off easy. It's called long hot shower with lots of soap.

That's happened to me before. nail polish remover, apricot scrub, and basic make up remover should do the trick.

Lady gaga would be proud! Embrace your new look!!

I did the same thing in high school. The color should wear away off your skin in a week or so