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By negromancer - 11/07/2009 01:08 - United States

Today, I worked up the courage to ask my crush out for coffee after work. She agreed and I confidently said, "Alright, it's a date!" She replied, "Haha, a date with you? I'm just going for the free coffee!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 677
You deserved it 4 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xeciaris 0

I hate girls like her. Gold digging bitch, just waiting to find a rich old geezer to marry and divorce to loot out millions in divorce settlements. Don't even bother to go to the coffee place with her. I bet she's a STD sanctuary. Just move on.

Surely you told her where to go after that?


That's not funny, that's pretty soul shattering depending on how much he liked her. I did laugh though, but it is ****** up to have said that to his face.

sexymessy 0

Well obliviously she's a total bitch,and your better off knowing NOW! And please don't tell me you still took her out after that!I hate people like that,I mean even if she didn't like you back she could have said it nicely.There's being honest and then there's being rude.

just order a big ristretto without sugar for her, ask for the bill and run for the bathroom.

The word you are looking for is "obviously." The word "obliviously" already has a meaning.

of course he should have took her out after that, to some coffee shop, have a few muffins, more coffee, get up - say your going to bathroom and inform the waitress's his female friends picking up the cheque. also Falcon punch her....hard

That's all marriage is :) They're just theyre for the free diggerssssssssssssssss

yes you can actually its called make sure you havemt eaten in a few days so then your avtions shall be weak :L i only have to miss breakfast to become weak and almpst starv >.< and people call me bloody anerexic

porkchop69 0

lol i dont blame her haha its free=]

Deabells 0

ur an ass wipe,she has no right to use him,u probably are that bitch.

**** you its not fair to treat people that way

Wow! Porkchop is a straight ******* gold digger... Just remember karma is a bitch while your using people and being a douchenozzle..

ooo maybe you shouldnt be liking her if shes mean leik that haha

Xeciaris 0

I hate girls like her. Gold digging bitch, just waiting to find a rich old geezer to marry and divorce to loot out millions in divorce settlements. Don't even bother to go to the coffee place with her. I bet she's a STD sanctuary. Just move on.

evanwilliams 4

Hmm, you sound a tad bitter.....

Gold digging bitch? Millions? Divorce? We're just talking about coffee here xD

Me thinks there's something he's hiding from us.... =D

jdcrazy 0

lmfao f the coffee t-bag her!

Surely you told her where to go after that?

evanwilliams 4

Nice, you seem like a pretty smooth guy...

you shouldn't even date this type of people. tsk.

TheATeam 0

Why are you intetested in her? She sounds like a gold digger to me.

hahahahaha your kanye comment made my day:)

drodz241 0

That sucks. That courage is hard to find. Better luck next time!

loL xD you can't actually blame her.. :) plus, it's FREE coffee. :P