By theboywithlonghair - 09/09/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, I decided to go get my hair cut because it was getting a bit long. I told the lady that I wanted it way short and she replied "Why? You will look like a guy sweetie." I am a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 992
You deserved it 6 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she's that blind, you don't want her anywhere near your hair with scissors.


MissKrissy 5
droxursox319 8

What a bitch. Even if you were a girl, it's not her place to judge how you want your hair done.

This happens a lot to guys with long hair unless they have facial hair or guy-like features, lighten up everyone, it happens.

Even if you were a girl, that's still pretty rude of her to be stereotypical. Short hair can look great on all genders.