By nnnaaazzz - 24/10/2009 12:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I decided to pay a suprise visit to my boyfriend's house. I let myself in, walked up to his bedroom and found him dancing around. In the dress I had left the other weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 350
You deserved it 6 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL because you're jealous that he probably looked better in it than you.


What I want to know is how he fit in your dress. Are you just jealous that he made it look good when you couldn't!?

Awe you caught him. If in your room it free game. hahahahahaha : P

the_stereotype 0

that's funny, but i would still bring it up in front of his parents so that he would never be able to live it down

thegate 0

of course, because anyone slightly deviant should be outed to all of the people closest to them

voveraite 7

Yeah, honey, I wish I had YOUR problems :-| !!!

ButtScratcher 0

YDI for urinating on seagulls.

dalli 0

what does that have to do with anything?

get out before he starts asking "would you **** me, I would **** me" or demands that you put lotion on your skin!