By SpaceAstronaut - 28/12/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, I decided to take a nap while listening to my iPod, on the lowest volume possible. My girlfriend woke me up by turning the volume all the way up. I still can't hear out of both ears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 796
You deserved it 5 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

iPods doooo go that loud. mine does atleast... that was a bitch move from the gf.

Yarrachel 16

We're all completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.


honeybeezy 0

pretty messed up but not the end of the world

you are such a ******* loser...... it is people like you that bother to submit fml's lik this that are making this website total shit.... i find it hard to believe that you cant take a ******* practical joke when people have actual stories that deserve to be on that dont make it. and its only metal music that wud genuinely shock some1 enough to put it as an fml renders it totally useless coz u claerly dont fag

Dude, it's people who use idiotic text language like "some1" or "wud" that make the site bad. His FML doesn't suck, it would freak me out of i woke up that way too.

just remember.. you can always get back at her by stabbing her in the throat.

Shove an electric cattle prod up her pussy and see how she likes it!!!

Thank you for that mental image. I'm going to go scoop out my brain with a spoon now.

YDI for having such a passive-aggressive girlfriend.

Hearing loss is not an all or nothing situation. You end up losing certain frequencies which makes it hard to understand people talking and you have to turn up the TV real loud and you still can't understand the dialog. You then need a very expensive hearing aid that amplifies only the frequencies you need. I don't get why you kids think it's a joke, you wouldn't throw acid in someones eyes, well the ears are very sensitive and easily damaged.

This is either fake or your a pussy. Stop whining pussy.