By SpaceAstronaut - 28/12/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, I decided to take a nap while listening to my iPod, on the lowest volume possible. My girlfriend woke me up by turning the volume all the way up. I still can't hear out of both ears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 796
You deserved it 5 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

iPods doooo go that loud. mine does atleast... that was a bitch move from the gf.

Yarrachel 16

We're all completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.


ejd69 0

wow bro if you go deaf from an ipod going up all the way, never attend a rock concert with those soft fragile ears. hahaha

PeacefulWicked 0
fogrunner 13

Or he could, you know, use ******* ear plugs.

I hate that. my friend did that to me not knowing I had super sensitive ears, and I actually cried a bit. i've never cried from physical pain before.

shes a crazy woman you really should dump her right away

lindseytaylor201 0

my brother did that to me once it sucks.

sadaffy 0

I have mine cranked all the time. is that a big deal?

only1onyx 0

is dying to know QUITE what 128? perhaps you meant QUIET?

Wow, 136, you are extremely passionate about typos.