By nikko blue - 20/12/2009 07:52 - United States

Today, I decided to try whitening my teeth for the first time. I applied the strips to my teeth and decided to lay down and wait for the thirty required minutes to pass. I accidentally fell asleep and woke up three hours later. My teeth are still in excruciating pain and are covered in white streaks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 463
You deserved it 34 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Malyss_fml 4

I remember how the pamphlets that came with my curling irons always had a warning in them along the lines of, "Do not use while asleep!" You're going to be the reason why this warning appears on the whitening strips' literature in the future! Ouch.

As the hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the colorants in the dentin layer of the tooth (in other words, as the whitening gel does its job), it incites a pulpal (tooth nerve) response. This is the sharp pain you may feel. Most whitening strips that you can take home and use are not too concentrated... probably 15%. The OTC stuff might be even less. The 35% concentration should only be used for 30 minutes but the 15% concentration instructions actually say you can sleep with them in. And even if you are awake, you can keep them in for up to 3 hours. The OP should brush their teeth to remove the remaining gel. The sensitivity *should* disappear within an hour or so.


Rebecca1993 0

Omg that totally sucks.. but you probably shouldn't have fallen asleep...

Rebecca1993 0

I know it was on accident, but yeah I wouldn't risk it lawl

Rebecca1993 0

hahah. "Lawl" is the same as "lol". :)

No, Lawl is the sound that "lol" makes when you try to say it as a word. Thus, lawl=lol

Rebecca1993 0

Yeah i've never heard the "laughing a whole lot" thing. My friends and i started saying it cause it sounds like "lol" when you say it as a word..

I'm pretty sure they made up "laughing a whole lot" after the fact. You can turn anything into an acronym.

Technically, making an acronym out of it after the fact would be a "backronym"... just a random piece of knowledge I thought I'd throw out there. =)

Blur009er 0

lawl ftw! XD nice pic btw ;]

this convo was very educational! thank you :D

Malyss_fml 4

I remember how the pamphlets that came with my curling irons always had a warning in them along the lines of, "Do not use while asleep!" You're going to be the reason why this warning appears on the whitening strips' literature in the future! Ouch.

M13LO 0

lol I always thought those were dumb labels... but now I see why

Rebecca1993 0

I never thought about how they could mean "Do not use and then fall asleep while using." I always thought that they literally meant do not fall asleep and then start using. Now I feel kinda blonde.. no offence to all the blondes out there :)

I once read one that said 'For external use only. Do not insert into an bodily orifices.' my first reaction was ok who the hell did this before that caused this stupid warning. I think it might have said while turned on. Though that could be my twisted mind thinking it was there.

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I always get sleepy when I lay down, so I tend to fall asleep in situations like that too. but if I do, I always notice before and if I really don't wanna sleep I just get up and do something to not sleep in.

I dunno, for me sleep comes pretty easily if I'm in a comfy position, e.g. in class. Idk, everyone's different. Still, OP deserved it.

Yeah, sleep comes too easily to some of us; this nearly happened to me. Glad the OP gave me this warning; I'll not make his mistake again.

Lol never slept easily in the daytime until I conceived my little son lol 20 weeks

I once accidentally fell asleep while doing math homework so...

MoroseMoose 47

#6 that's how it is for me too. I was thinking the same thing. I work hard to fall asleep. Apparently we're the only ones.

ouch I've done that too. hurts like hell. that sucks

JustAReaderOfFml 4

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Read the rules, text speak is not allowed on FML. If you want to communicate, type with correct grammar.

JustAReaderOfFml 4

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As the hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the colorants in the dentin layer of the tooth (in other words, as the whitening gel does its job), it incites a pulpal (tooth nerve) response. This is the sharp pain you may feel. Most whitening strips that you can take home and use are not too concentrated... probably 15%. The OTC stuff might be even less. The 35% concentration should only be used for 30 minutes but the 15% concentration instructions actually say you can sleep with them in. And even if you are awake, you can keep them in for up to 3 hours. The OP should brush their teeth to remove the remaining gel. The sensitivity *should* disappear within an hour or so.

I've only heard the Jason derulo version and I made this account while listening to that song and I'm not good at thinking of usernames so it seemed appropriate at the time

Does it matter if you were talking to me? I'm informing you of a rule before you find your FML account banned.

JustAReaderOfFml 4

awk well u shud defintely listen to imogen heaps 'hide n seek'. or any of her songs ther all gud. i think ud like 'the walk' n 'headlock' for sure. both by her as well.

because it makes like your teeth get like really tight with each other like when a person gets bracess! :S

I'm pretty sure text speak is only against the rules if you're making a fml

crazymunkees 2

You're posting it where everyone can see. There's no "was I talking to you", posting on here is like yelling something out in a room full of people. Sorry.

mrlopez 13, you have 0 out of 17 FMLs confirmed? -_-...

mrlopez 13

Hmm I meant Poster #18. wonder where that cocaine shot went :)

I was wondering if anyone was going to mention that...Can't believe it wasn't the first comment. Something like "see, TV does teach people things, just look what happened in the same situation on Friends"

Lol # 12 I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully, OP doesn't have a black light:P

mrmerino 0

Ross Geller much? but seriously, that shit hurts.

buy stock in Sensodyne, everyone. sales will be going through the roof.

My teeth ache in sympathy pain. FYL and YDI. FYL because leaving white strips on can cause irreversible erosion of the enamel, and getting "fake" enamel replaced is more pain and money for ya. YDI because that was just stupid.

katiepooh85 0

hahahaha! that sucks, but YDI for not thinking ahead and using an alarm clock!! silly!!

He accidently fell asleep. Why would he think of setting an alarm.

wingedtoad 0

To remind himself/herself when the 30 minutes are up?

Impossibleeeee! The chemicals in the strips are only active for the thirty minutes so that dumbasses like yourself won't disinigrate their teeth. We all appreciate your attempt though ; )

xd0rkiee 0

Where the hell did you hear that from? Not true. I've left on whitening strips on for an hour and they were in pain for the next 24 hours. Also, now, whenever I use them, my teeth get extremely sensitive. Also, you've never heard that whitening strips give you sensitivity?

Well my dentist for one, the box itself. They can cause sensitivity, but it doesnt' leave white streaks, the chemicals inside the strips are only active for the 30 minutes.

mrmerino 0

you must not have seen that episode of friends! it's on tv so it must be true!