By nikko blue - 20/12/2009 07:52 - United States

Today, I decided to try whitening my teeth for the first time. I applied the strips to my teeth and decided to lay down and wait for the thirty required minutes to pass. I accidentally fell asleep and woke up three hours later. My teeth are still in excruciating pain and are covered in white streaks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 463
You deserved it 34 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Malyss_fml 4

I remember how the pamphlets that came with my curling irons always had a warning in them along the lines of, "Do not use while asleep!" You're going to be the reason why this warning appears on the whitening strips' literature in the future! Ouch.

As the hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the colorants in the dentin layer of the tooth (in other words, as the whitening gel does its job), it incites a pulpal (tooth nerve) response. This is the sharp pain you may feel. Most whitening strips that you can take home and use are not too concentrated... probably 15%. The OTC stuff might be even less. The 35% concentration should only be used for 30 minutes but the 15% concentration instructions actually say you can sleep with them in. And even if you are awake, you can keep them in for up to 3 hours. The OP should brush their teeth to remove the remaining gel. The sensitivity *should* disappear within an hour or so.


FireFlie07 20

repeat. I saw this same FML like a month ago.

Pandada89 0

Have you never watched Friends?

perdix 29

I hope you have written your will. Certain death awaits. Didn't you read the instructions?

you wouldnt be in this situation if you brushed your teeth twice a day. its not that hard i dont know why some people just cant do it. YDI for that and using whitening strips-they just cover up your disgusting teeth not fix them.

Not everyone has bright white teeth just from brushing. I brush twice a day, yet I have lightly discolored teeth. They just grew in that way. Discolored teeth aren't always result of bad oral hygiene.

There are so many factors in tooth coloring. Brushing alone cannot make your teeth white. Your teeth coloration is affected by diet (current and childhood), medications, genes...

xd0rkiee 0

#46- Everyone's teeth has a yellow tint to it. It varies from person to person whether the yellow is more noticable or not, idiot. Just brushing your teeth twice a day does NOT do the trick.

Ouch...that sounds like something I would do.

IllegalLight 0

I've never used them before so can someone explain to me why it would be painful?