By idgit42 - 27/07/2010 22:15 - United States

Today, I didn't realize until I was home that I'd thrown my retainer away with my tray at Chick-fil-A. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 745
You deserved it 30 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SirWhatsHisFace 0

What is this OP, a rap? The last part of the FML ryhmes.

I've been without braces for several years and I quit wearing my retainers like I was supposed to and my teeth are fine.


muffinkitty 15

oohh man!! my sis did that lmao! XD it's all good, just dnt lose it next time! :)

I did that at mcdonald's... my boyfriend did that at burger king...

I had to take the trash bags home too, it was so sick. I found mine though


holy crap I had the exact same thing happen to me at chickfila but I had to go back and find it in the dumpster. also cause they r so expensive Im still using the same one.

how many people has this happened to all over the world?! I did it too, except it was at a McDonalds in France...and I had to try and explain to the staff member in terrible broken French what had happened. He found it for me though! Needed some good sterilizing...

l3allin_all_day 0

I lost my retainer like 5 times and prbly worn them a couple of times and my teeth haven't moved and my dentist says there perfect lol

Oh, darn. Now you have to sort through all the half-eaten napkins and look for it.

wonderiromachi 0

I work for CFA and we dig through the trash if anyone loses anything. ;p