This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By "superpandamonium" - 24/02/2017 20:00 - United States - Steamboat Springs

Today, I found out that my boyfriend is going to Alaska. My invitation must've gotten lost in the mail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 828
You deserved it 1 357

Top comments

neuronerd 28

Is your boyfriend required to take you everywhere or something?

Ireadfmlonthejohn 2

This might shock you, but people do go places without their SOs.


Girl, I get you're disappointed. But there is nothing against him taking a vacation by himself or with other people. You need to evaluate why this is bothering you so much and go from there. If it's a trust thing, address that. If it's you not wanting him to be away from you, you need to address that with your own self. Then, spend the time he's away doing something you enjoy. Good luck to you both.

Girl, I get you're disappointed. But there is nothing against him taking a vacation by himself or with other people. You need to evaluate why this is bothering you so much and go from there. If it's a trust thing, address that. If it's you not wanting him to be away from you, you need to address that with your own self. Then, spend the time he's away doing something you enjoy. Good luck to you both.

Stef1488 0

Can someone say clingy/spoiled brat. Not everything cones free u know. Or maybe he just wanted to get away for a while, this does happen.

It's not like he's breaking up with you. He isn't required to take you anywhere you aren't married. But it still it's up to him to invite you.

lemonlaide 9

Just because he's going that means you have to also?

Jazzalyn 10

I can imagine it from the boyfriend's pov: Today I went to Alaska to get a break from my clingy girlfriend.

I mean, do you also expect him to change your used tampon?

Nissi 17

Seeing how it's your boyfriend and not your husband, I don't think it's that big of a deal.

momac86 17

And just why are you entitled to go?

lexyrebele 3

As long as he told you beforehand instead of just up and leaving I don't see the problem here.