By Nicole - 13/03/2010 19:16 - United States

Today, I discovered my mom had sold all of our summer clothes over the winter on eBay because we're short on cash. However, I am allowed to cut off the sleeves of all my long sleeve shirts and the legs off my jeans to stay cool in the summer. Nothing's more attractive than looking trashy, right? FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 974
You deserved it 3 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nomnommonster 0

Hmm. I'm sure you can snag some inexpensive clothing at thrift stores. Problem solved.

boreddoubletears 0

Sell all of the furniture and tell her to feel free to pile up the carpet in the corner for a bed.


you could make it fashionable. like Derelique from Zoolander(trash fasion). it could end up looking better than anyone would think.

SerenaChaos805 0

just make The shirts into tubetops... jeans are still ok In The summer (:

I live in tx and don't own winter clothes ur mom sucks fyl

AxCxDxDx 0

25 just ******* won this shit!

#19 got their photo from the internet too... no seriously

Sell your mom's clothes on eBay. ALL of them.

How did she even make enough money for that to be worth it? I've sold clothes to second-hand shops before; in my experience you make only like, 5-10% of the original value of the clothes! Has she cut off your cable TV or stopped buying soda and fast food? Those would probably save more money. Hope you're old enough to get a job to pay for your own stuff, but FYL regardless.

boatkicker 4

When you need money, even the little bit that selling clothes will get you, is important. And whose to say that they had cable, or soda and fast food to begin with?

I'm just hoping that they don't... otherwise this seems like a pretty foolish thing to give up.


#123 that's just pointless is she sells the clothes....I don't know in what part of the country that people don't wear clothe that's the main thing that you need even 2$ shirts and 4$ shorts is good enough but if you already have them then why sell them and Tisiphone was just saying that she could have cut back on anything else but why sell the he clothes if that's what she's going to need everyday she already had it it's not like it's a bill to have clothes that you already own lol

boatkicker 4

I take it you've never been that broke before? You would do the same thing, if it was a choice between sell your clothes or have food. Or even sell your clothes and pay your rent. You really only need a few shirts and a few pairs of pants. Besides that, we don't know whether the clothes were cheap or not. For all we know, they could have had a lot of money, and expensive clothing, and then lost it all somehow.

boatkicker 4

Remind your mother that if you cut up your winter clothes, she will have to buy new ones, and summer clothes are cheaper than winter clothes.

There is nothing trashy about cutting the length off of clothes. I've made shorts out of pants.