By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 20:53 - United States

Today, I discovered my step mom had thrown out my baby blanket because it was an "eyesore". It was an heirloom from my birth mother and the only thing I have left from her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 652
You deserved it 2 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VeryNice329 0

wow. I'm sorry. that was a rude thing to do. tell her she's an eye sore.

Monikabug 9

That is so sad! Your step-mother should have told you that she was going to get rid of it before she just threw it away. That way you could have had a chance to hold on to it, even if you had to put it in your closet or somewhere. Your step-mom is a bitch for not understanding why you would hold such fond memories and feelings with that blanket, and I am sure your relationship with her will never quite be the same. So sorry, OP. FYL!


i've rarely heard of a stepmom being any different

That was a **** move. People voting YDI are also *****.

trumpetGIRL12345 0

your step-mom is a bitch I sorry for you

Their house, their rules. Quit your bitching and keep your stuff in a secure place.

loski87 4

what a effin ****!!! like others said if it is just in the trash I would go get it..

eatmexcupcakes 0

>< I hate ur step mom she's a bitch!!! tell her to pay !!!

Of course, get it back if you can. Then tell your father what evil thing she did. Finally, you know her irreplaceable Limoges teacup collection? Smash that ****** to shards in the name of therapeutic release. I am SO sorry OP!! A true FYL.