By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 20:53 - United States

Today, I discovered my step mom had thrown out my baby blanket because it was an "eyesore". It was an heirloom from my birth mother and the only thing I have left from her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 653
You deserved it 2 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VeryNice329 0

wow. I'm sorry. that was a rude thing to do. tell her she's an eye sore.

Monikabug 9

That is so sad! Your step-mother should have told you that she was going to get rid of it before she just threw it away. That way you could have had a chance to hold on to it, even if you had to put it in your closet or somewhere. Your step-mom is a bitch for not understanding why you would hold such fond memories and feelings with that blanket, and I am sure your relationship with her will never quite be the same. So sorry, OP. FYL!


your step mom is a royal bitch. this makes me angry. sorry for your loss. you have full reason to strangle her ya know? i mean, if you wanted.

mylifeisover1305 0

*had...sorry that was mean. I just learned that my friend's mom died recently and I just try to diffuse situations with comedy (mean or not)

megnut1014 0

I'd key her car. Or, put hair removal cream in her shampoo. Something like that. Alternatively, sit her down and explain the hurt she has now caused. Let her know what it meant to you and that you will never forgive her. I'm sorry OP. *hugs*

marcosfml15 0

im guessing ur step mothers jealous... she had no right to go through your stuff and do that without asking. u should do the same with something thats valuable to her so she'll learn.... im really sorry :( the bitch will go to hell

As an adopted child I know specially how much that have hurt. Its not the act at all that hurts, it's the loss. I suggest you have it out with her, tell her what she's done, and use a specific phrase a few times. e.g. "the red blanket". Use the phrase to describe the object at least 3-5 times during the argument. Then when the argument is over say "I'll never forgive you for this". Your step mother will blow you off, over that last remark. But the phrase "Red blanket" is in her head now. This is where is gets good. Every time she wants something from you like a favor, just "no, because of the red blanket, I'm still angry with you", the natural response eventually will be "oh get over it", to which a safe reply is "every time I look at you I remember what you did and I cant forgive you". every time she asks your to help with something and you dont feel like doing it just, NO, red blanket. It might seem stupid but I've seriously ****** people up with shit like this. and it works, as you go along get creative, say she's unloading the car, and your standing there, she asks for help, just say "red blanket" and walk away into the house. (seriously she'll flip) I'm not explaining this very well, but over the course of a few years, the effect something like this has a on person is that it puts them in a lower position to you, in effect you take away their power. Eventually they end up trying to do something to make up for it. (or they give up on you). Most people would have real trouble dealing with this, it's too complex a punishment for them to understand.

You, sir, are a master of mindfuckery. I tip my hat.

thank you :) I forgot to mention it works best if you turn it on and off as the situation demand, be inconstant and sometimes you need to take a "hit" e.g. lose out in order to apply it. This way it will seem that you have a deep seated hate for the other person, there is nothing they can do about it, and you will strike at any time at random, they will never know whats coming around the corner. That causes stress, and in turn is in-and-of-its-self a pretty decent form of punishment over the course of years.

it would be pretty sweet if was a red blanket, then she could do stuff like through a red (new) towel in with the step moms whites. (during washing, the die will run, and stain the whites pink) and stab her tyres on her car during the night and leave a small peice of red cloth under the windscreen wiper. yah for the red cloth signature !

I am proud to say that you, sir, are sick and twisted... I applaud you (gives golf clap). If I had a step-mom that did that to me, she'd be biting the curb right now. FYL OP. >:(

MamaC_fml 0

Anodyne - where'd you get your psych degree? Effing genius use of Pavlovian learning! /geek moment OP, I'm sorry to hear you have to go through that. I hope there is a way for you to be able to retrieve it, or discover something else of your mom's you can value and keep.

schnoodles 0

*bows down before the master* My stepmother has decided to: -turn my room into the laundry room -rip up my drawings -read my journals -make fun of my real mother and insult her -insult my religion -send me hate mail -blame me for her sons drinking, drugs, and police record -had the audacity to make fun of, and guilt me for the expense of therapy, which she only has to pay 1/2 of I, for once in my life, have a weapon that my father cannot punish me for using. You are, now and forever, The Mindfuck Master. All hail.