By pizzachest - 19/08/2011 13:11 - Canada

Today, I discovered that I won't be able to wear the dress with a low neck line that I bought for my cousin's wedding, because my older brother thought it would be funny to mix a scented body-wash that he knows makes my skin break out in hives, with my regular one. My chest looks like a pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 369
You deserved it 2 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks to be you! Anyway, it's your cousin's day. Not everyone's gonna be looking at you so you'll be fine!


clemcool_fml 0

Maybe he was trying to protect your virtue :)

sparxva 12

Time to mix a little Nair with his shampoo.

b_rowe55 0

well isn't that just ******* gross!

I just threw up in my mouth. Anyways get back at your brother by putting the same stuff I in his underwear

kaywalovestoflip 7

did you only put the soap on your chest?

iBiteRoses 22

She mentioned her chest specifically because, if you read the FML, it says she wanted to wear a dress with a low neckline. It would expose part of her chest, but probably wouldn't be such a big deal if other places on her body broke out, if they were covered by her dress...