By anonymous - 04/09/2016 22:12 - United States - Morristown

Today, I discovered that in the three days I left my 18-year-old son in charge, my dog had gotten pregnant. When I confronted my son about it, he stated, "I don't want the reputation of being a cock-blocker." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 897
You deserved it 4 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you don't want the dog pregnant why not get it fixed ?

Was he supposed to physically stop two dogs getting busy? Why wasn't she spayed? Was the unneutered dog yours, too? Bob Barker would be terribly disappointed at this situation.


Your son should have kept the dog in the house (unless it was one of your dogs that got it pregnant) but it is not his responsibility for it to not get pregnant. His response was stupid though. Even thought the dog was in heat, you could still have it spayed it is just not usually suggested. If you were planning on breeding her, then you should have made sure she had diapers to wear to prevent both leaking and penetration.

What if OP wanted to potentially allow the dog to be breeded in the future? Just not now. Think of the future people!

One day you should walk through an animal shelter and see why everyone is saying that the dog should have been spayed. There are thousands of unwanted animals, many pure bred. Maybe you are the one who should think of the future.

superapple 23

And that's why you spay/ neuter your pets. You're just as much at fault as your son. YDI. I hope you make sure the puppies find beautiful homes and the new owners sign a protection contract. Those can save a dog's life. Usually they state that you have to be informed if the dog will be rehomed/ dropped at a shelter and they can also include a rule saying the dogs need to be spayed/ neutered within so and so many months. That way you can make sure the puppies don't end up in the hands of a backyard breeder.

Why is it most of the comments are just bashing someone? It's suppose to be a forum to ease tensions and have a good laugh.. Lighten up bitches.

HRose 2

Making valid points about a world wide issue leading to millions of deaths a year is bashing? Hmmm.... ok.

If only there was a perhaps....that would prevent dogs and cats from reproducing and adding to the massive number of unwanted animals being euthanized every day. Hmmm....

If you don't want a pregnant dog get it neutered or spayed. Simple.

HRose 2

Unless your animal has a medical reason why they can't be sedated in any form, there is NO excuse to have an intact dog. You deserved it. The point at which you messed up was being a neglectful owner, not leaving your son to watch the dog.