Let down

By Anonymous - 05/05/2022 06:00

Today, after an ex let me know I have a 19 year old-son. I was beyond excited so I spent the weekend with them and I can tell you now, the boy is a complete prick, and I prefer to continue to claim I’m childless rather than admit I fathered that arrogant, rude, selfish, entitled little shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 476
You deserved it 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be grateful she's not apparently trying to sue you for 18 years of back child support for a kid you knew nothing about.

Sounds like you dodged a bullet. He learned it somewhere.


Well, maybe if you had been there for him, he would have turned out better.

Well, maybe if she'd told him before she popped him out.

Grumpy Jack 26

Well, maybe he could have used a condom 20 years ago...

Be grateful she's not apparently trying to sue you for 18 years of back child support for a kid you knew nothing about.

Pink_Turnips 14

genuine question: would that even be possible if (im assuming) he never signed a birth certificate or anything

Yes it is possible - though it varies by state (assuming OP is in the USA) and usually has a statue of limitations. In my state they could sue for up to 5 years following the child's 18th birthday. There are stories of people finding out years later that they have a kid when the kid's mom files for benefits and names them or finally decides to tell them and cash out. They then get slapped with back child support and garnished wages. It will depend on the circumstances and the local laws. But there have been women who wait till the kid is 18 so you can't challenge custody and then sue for child support. Moral of the story: wrap it before you tap it, even if she says she's on the pill, and make sure to take responsibility for birth control as a man, because otherwise your past could come back and bite you in the ass 20+ years later.

Sounds like you dodged a bullet. He learned it somewhere.

xxWTFxx1981 23

Don't worry you didn't father him you were merely a sperm donor.

slhiggx 17
Grumpy Jack 26

What about a paternity test ? Unless he looks like he's your twin brother, 19 years younger...