By Anonymous - 05/10/2012 23:02 - United States - Queen Creek

Today, I discovered that my 12-year-old son has secretly been printing out and selling copies of the suggestive photos from my camera that I'd taken for my husband. He's been selling them to kids at school for a dollar each. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 500
You deserved it 33 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A dollar each? Sounds like you have some work to do.

CountMango 5

And that's why you take better care to hide things like that...


i think 95 was making a southpark reference..

I love all these YDIs. I wonder how many of these people here have actually blamed themselves for having anything stolen from them.

parkwaydrive7 9
yesyesnonono 10

How are you supposed to collect royalties if they're a buck each?

Epikouros 31

Take revenge by showing his most embarrassing naked baby pictures to his friends.

He is an entrepreneur, and you will be the MILF of imagination for young budding men. Net net you have a winner. Son will be successful and you will always be known as that steaming hot mom!!

that sonofabitch made me pay two dollars each!