By Anonymous - 16/11/2012 07:32 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, I discovered that no matter how hot and exhausted you are, being blasted in the face with a high pressure hose is always more painful than refreshing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 258
You deserved it 10 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

try running through a sprinkler next time!

perdix 29

Under pressure, pushing down on you, pressing down on me, no man has more. To ease the pain, you should put on some Ice, Ice, Baby.


That is why you never ask "Is it on yet?" and look directly at the hose end.

MrAwesomeSauce 6
estes816 9

Ouch! That feels like hundreds of bees attacking! I hope you feel better Op!

perdix 29

Under pressure, pushing down on you, pressing down on me, no man has more. To ease the pain, you should put on some Ice, Ice, Baby.

You really set one hec-to of a bar for good references.

perdix 29

#37, thanks. now I am waiting for the FML where I can work in "My Sweet Lord" and "He's So Fine" in the same comment.

Sorry OP Feel better!!! Who would do that to you!? That's awful.

rhidiculous 4

Can I assume that "Blasted in the face with a high pressure hose" is a euphemism for a facial? You should get out of the **** business.

DasHaas 9

I could've told you that even before you tried. Basic physics people. They teach you this in school for a reason.

porcupineattack1 5

I hope you didn't do that willingly.

You should have asked a black person that was alive during civil movement in the south how it felt before using the hose. They would have told you it hurts like a bitch

sammisweets93 12

Just to let you know whites "Europeans" were slaves too and also went thru the same things as blacks.