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By Full Stomach Empty Wallet - 06/08/2015 10:50 - United States - Danvers

Today, I discovered that the five-star meal that my friend treated me to last night was actually meant to be repayment of the $200 I loaned her last month. I needed that money for bills and she refuses to give me another cent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 026
You deserved it 2 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

worse than that, even if it did cost $200, she would have only eaten $100th worth, so where is the rest of the money


This reminds me of my stupid ex, who owed me 20 euros, gave me some flowers and said he didn't owe me anything afterwards. *insert insult here*

llamingo 8

What kind of 2 person meal costs $200?

A five star restaurant can charge almost what ever they would like

RedPillSucks 31

worse than that, even if it did cost $200, she would have only eaten $100th worth, so where is the rest of the money

seaboundrhino813 8

You have never been anywhere "fancier" than The Olive Garden, have you?

how do people think stuff like this is okay? sorry OP time to let her go as a friend

bibble27 9

That's awful. People can be so selfish about giving sometimes... She should've been understanding. Was the dinner at least worth $200. Sorry OP. ?

olpally 32

Your friend is ridiculous and you need new friends.

•Neither a borrower nor a lender be •Never loan money to a friend, consider it a gift and move on if you wish to have a friendship afterwards •Loans needs to be validated by a written, notarized contract •Punch your friend in the face so that you at least feel better

pawn her stuff until you get the 200$ that's crazy. and I hope lesson learned: never loan her anything else.

Serving jail time for theft is not worth $200.

YourOpinionSucks 22

Who said the friend had to know that OP was the thief. Silent justice, while you're at it, you should tack on another 200 and take her out when she's upset. Pay her meal with what's essentially her money.

I wouldn't call it stealing. it's just borrowing. when she gets her money, she gets her stuff back.

YourOpinionSucks 22

That's called pawning, but works just as fine. People thumbing us down for suggesting illegal activities over just dropping the friendship, why not get paid, and then drop the friendship? Like I'm going to let a douchebag walk away with my money because of what the law deems moral? **** off

MonstreBelle 29

72: Because the cost of bail, court fees, fines, and restitution would easily exceed $200. Then there is that pesky problem of possible jail time and having a record. You can't just go steal someone's possessions because they're a shitty person whom you're owed money by. It would make you just as much of a shitty person as they are and you wouldn't even be getting any of your money back; you would be losing more of it.

YourOpinionSucks 22

If you get caught, you deserve it. Stealing 101

This is exactly why they say to never mix friends with money, because then things like this happen. But it isn't OP's fault for not expecting their friend to be so unreliable.