By Anonymous - 20/06/2013 16:54 - Pakistan - Lahore

Today, I discovered the source of the vile stench in my room. My daughter had "saved" a bird from our cat and put it in a box under my bed, hoping to nurse it back to health. She forgot about it, leaving the corpse rotting in there for who knows how long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 738
You deserved it 3 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

R.I.P to all forgotten birds left to rot underneath beds

I just hope the bird was already dead when your daughter "saved it" from the cat so it didn't have to die slowly and painfully under the bed!


HawkwindFan2016 8
jazopalchris 14

That's so cute of her !! Yuk but cute lol

Ironically I had the same thing happen to me.... Usually checking on the bird each day every few hours doesn't exactly keep it forgotten..,

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Halfhearted sentimentalist.

The bird is now in a happy place where it gets all of the bird seed it will ever care to eat and has a lot of birdy friends. Rest in peace bird. You will be missed.

nurchok 15

At least, your beautiful daughter had the best intentions...

incoherentrmblr 21

...Quote the Raven never more...

R.i.p but why would you even let her keep it underneath her bed where no one can see how the bird is doing.