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By RoseRodent - 03/06/2016 17:58 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I dropped my daughter off at a concert where she was performing and went to look for parking. I got caught in freak traffic and it took me an hour to get back there. I missed her act. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 751
You deserved it 1 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure your daughter will understand if you explain, unless if she's a teen, then she'll make you cry.

Aww. Hopefully your daughter doesn't take that harshly. How could've known that there was freakish traffic? Just bad timing.


Aww. Hopefully your daughter doesn't take that harshly. How could've known that there was freakish traffic? Just bad timing.

oj101 33

Having lived in London - driving is next to useless most of the time anyways. Although in perfect conditions (no traffic/accidents) driving a car can be about 20% quicker - over time, you'll learn to prefer the consistency of public transport instead of driving which has too many variables that can affect the time it takes to get there.

OP was driving through London, which is always a bad idea. Getting through London is a pain in the ass on foot, and with public transport. Going via car is like being in a permanent gridlocked rush hour.

Completely unrelated but... What does a clock do when it is still hungry after dinner? It goes back four seconds.

She did. She arrived so early, she was able to drop her daughter off before the event started. Then she got caught in… parking traffic. Lesson learned: act perfectly all the time and anticipate random occurrences, right?

My question is, why come and then go. He/she was already there. Also, always expect the unexpected

Read the FML. She didn't leave; she was looking for parking.

How do you get into freak traffic looking for parking?

By getting stuck in a massive parking lot with cars behind and in front of you all trying to find parking while others are trying to leave through the only available exits, getting stuck waiting to merge with more traffic on the main road. I find it odd you can't imagine a congested parking lot that takes a while to navigate.

Dont worry. Rodgerdodger is probably trying to troll or start an argument

I'm sure your daughter will understand if you explain, unless if she's a teen, then she'll make you cry.

oj101 33

If she's a child, she'll cry. If it's a teen, then OP will be the one crying.

All teenagers scare the living shit outta me! -MCR

The way social media is an obsession nowadays, I'm sure you can find a recording. I hope.

Hopefully your daughter understands and hopefully you got it on video.

How could OP have gotten video while being in traffic and missing the concert?

Perhaps because SOMEONE ELSE videoed the concert and then kindly provided OP with a copy.

well that sucks, but whatever you do, don't lie and tell her you saw it.

She missed only one act and it happened to be her daughters, I modded it and that's what it said before, either way this sucks...

lexiieeex3 32

You couldn't have possible known, I'm sure she'll understand and appreciate the effort. Was someone able to tape any of it for you so you didn't completely miss it?

Ouch. That's too bad. I hope she understands.