By CatLitterLover - 08/02/2011 06:51 - United States
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why lucky? lol
he's saying lucky because pill popping drug addicts are always jealous when someone has a pill and they don't!!!!!
Oh yes, because I'm definitely a drug addict. I was being facetious.
The first step is admitting you have a sickness. Done.
He's being sarcastic... It takes a dumbass to not see that!!!
Eww, that's gross :| How could you not have seen it though? It has Xanax written on it.
people are retarded. :)
13, being retarded has nothing to do with it, op's clearly careless or visually challenged, it's op's fault.
36 validates my post.
kk I guess the pharm tech will have to set you straight...all brands of Xanax, generic or brand, are about half an inch in length with the exception of two mg, which is about an inch, and the extended release which only has a large X on it. Its fairly hard to see the name on it. The medicine is made for anxiety disorders and basically slows the brain down, this is the reason its a huge street drug. Some of the pills are also white, so imagine a half-inch white tablet in a box full of tiny white rocks.
idk wat xanax is but the way u just explsined it means its a bloody horse tablet!! how can u mix up a horse tablet with a white rock!!
it's not a horse tablet they are very small and can be hard to count sometimes
wow that sux....
When starting some medications, the Dr will instruct the pt to start off by breaking the pill in quarters, then slowly increase. I know from experience that a little chunk of pill can look like a little chunk of cat litter. (I didn't take the cat litter, though)
She was drunk.... Drunk people don't always see right
I know right before I pop a pill the first thing I do is look at it
118 - Read the FML again. The illustration portrays a drunk girl, but the actual FML it's based off mentions nothing about being drunk.
She was high
I believe OP may need some glasses...
if they look the same, then I'm sure they're shaped the same and if you're referring to taste, cat litter looks quite dry at times, as do medications, so I'm sure OP wouldn't have been able to tell the difference, obviously otherwise there'd be no fml
It´s kind of irritating that OP did not to realize the difference at once.
I feel like most people (myself included) assume you picked it right back up and your first thought (at least mine isn't) "hey let me double check that this is actually what I dropped". More of an "Oh! here it is! Right down the hatch" *swallow* done!
Smart :P
How did that make you feel? :D
Wait, your cat ***** on the kitchen floor? You should put it down.
Who said it was his kitchen floor?
Because it would be even stranger in the bathroom. And I assumed that the kitchen and maybe bathroom is most common place to pop pills...
Keep the poo in one room, then it would be sensible to not keep the pills there...
So, if not in the bathroom, where do you keep your medicine cabinet? =]
So, if not in the bathroom, where do you keep your medicine cabinet? =]
Wow. Just wow.
71: I do keep my toothbrush in my room and bring it to the bathroom to brush my teeth. it's said that 90% of particles can attach to your toothbrush just from sitting on the counter.

Eww, that's gross :| How could you not have seen it though? It has Xanax written on it.
But you didn't realize it when you placed in in your mouth?